A couple of weeks ago a new show premiered on ABC on Wednesday nights as a mid-season-replacement. Happy Endings, in it's pilot alone, impressed me. Usually pilot episodes suck. I never judge a show based on it's Pilot. It's written and produced long before it airs and in the time it takes to sell the show to a network and produce a package of five more episodes, the writers have polished the direction of the characters and story much more than they did when the Pilot was produced. As I said, this pilot was impressive. In the following 4 episodes this show has clearly solidified itself as one of televisions most refreshing half hours since, well, Modern Family, last year. In fact, Happy Endings is like the love child of Modern Family and The Class (a show you probably never watched but would have loved if you had.) What's great about Happy Endings is that it's an over the top yet realistic representation of a group of friends who's median age is 30. In the Pilot's first scene two of the friends are at the Altar, about to wed, when a man roller-blades into the Church and objects to their Union. Seconds later, the woman swiftly uses her cold feet to flee with the Roller-blader just behind - celebrating his unexpected "victory." Cut to TGIFridays-esque bar where Penny, played by Casey Wilson, who did a stint on SNL several years ago (you may remember her "Twitter Breaks" on the "Cougar Den") says, "Rollerblades?." Cut to Max (played by Adam Pally)- the most non-stereotypical gay character ever written - shaking is head, "Even I think roller-blades are gay, and I had sex with a dude last night." The fear this tight group of friends has is that their relationships group will crumble if their friends Dave and Alex don't get married. Does this mean their not allowed to invite both of them to breakfast anymore? One of them jokes that they haven't met anyone new in 11 years. Of course I'm not ruining anything to say that the pilot ends on a positive note. Happy Endings, I dig it, and you will too. Check out some of my favorite clips below.
The following clip requires a Late Night Talk Show set up. Max and Dave have discovered that the food thief, who has been raiding their fridge, has been living in the crawl space above their apartment.
Follow the link below for a great scene from the first episode. It's six minutes long so it's worth the Hulu advertisement - while you're watching the Hulu commercial please remember that it's worth it because the quality far surpasses that of youtube. Penny's 26th Birthday
Watch this show please because I'm tired of great shows getting cancelled.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Why I'm Done with American Idol
Ryan Seacrest just called a contestant to the stage to tell them if they were safe and then told them to sit back down because he wasn't going to tell them yet. Really American Idol? If you have to resort to tactics such as that to fill your hour then maybe you should be a half hour show. Shit, I'd rather have another 30 second commercial to fast forward through than watch those types of antics. I watch this show because my better half is into music and I found it moderately entertaining. Years of this crap has sincerely become too much to handle. The list is large and just thinking of all the reasons I hate this show makes me angry to the point of screaming.
Taylor Hicks... do I really need to say more, just in case you forgot, Taylor Hicks won Season Five of American Idol. It also angers me more to find that when I googled what season this hack won I discovered that tickets to his show are $44. $44 DOLLARS - - For Taylor Hicks? Really America? Not only do you vote this guy to win American Idol but you're willing to spend $44 to see him destroy classics live and in person.
Sanjaya.... I can't even waste the time on this one, we'll leave it at that.... SANJAYA.
Jacob Lusk - for real? He's got great range yes, but American IDOL he is not. Did anyone see what he wore last night while he was sucking?
Ryan Seacrest for the love of all that is holy just stop.
I have to say, at the top of the list of reasons I wish American Idol crashes and burns in an embarrassing ratings decline that ends in Coke and Ford revoking their sponsorship before FOX pulls the plug quietly, is the exile of Casey Abrams. This man has more talent than 90% of the contestants ever on this show put together and I had to watch his goodbye video just minutes ago. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I can't wait until the tour is over and his contract expires so he can produce his first album. I will actually go to a store and purchase his CD, the first in over 10 years. Good Luck Casey - you're a brilliant musician and America doesn't deserve for you to be their "Idol."
Taylor Hicks... do I really need to say more, just in case you forgot, Taylor Hicks won Season Five of American Idol. It also angers me more to find that when I googled what season this hack won I discovered that tickets to his show are $44. $44 DOLLARS - - For Taylor Hicks? Really America? Not only do you vote this guy to win American Idol but you're willing to spend $44 to see him destroy classics live and in person.
Sanjaya.... I can't even waste the time on this one, we'll leave it at that.... SANJAYA.
Jacob Lusk - for real? He's got great range yes, but American IDOL he is not. Did anyone see what he wore last night while he was sucking?
Ryan Seacrest for the love of all that is holy just stop.
I have to say, at the top of the list of reasons I wish American Idol crashes and burns in an embarrassing ratings decline that ends in Coke and Ford revoking their sponsorship before FOX pulls the plug quietly, is the exile of Casey Abrams. This man has more talent than 90% of the contestants ever on this show put together and I had to watch his goodbye video just minutes ago. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I can't wait until the tour is over and his contract expires so he can produce his first album. I will actually go to a store and purchase his CD, the first in over 10 years. Good Luck Casey - you're a brilliant musician and America doesn't deserve for you to be their "Idol."
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wednesday Demotivators
despair.com is a great website that spoofs those annoying motivational posters that no one buys. Their site offers calendars, full prints, and the ability to create your own "DeMotivator." Here are some of my favorites.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Crap I Think is Cool: USB Drives
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hide your kids, Hides your wife, Hide your buds
If you have no idea who Antoine Dodson is then you should watch this short video first.
If you had no idea that this video had been auto-tuned into a hit song then watch the next video as well.
Now, that we're all on the same page...
Antoine Dodson, the guy who found accidental fame after his rant on the local news about the attempted rape of his sister was arrested for possession of Marijuana. I'll give you a minute to gather yourself for I'm sure the shock of that bit of news was too much to bear. In his words from his twitter account "they got him in his Benz." He also has never been to jail before except that time in grade school. I'm sure he's referring to a moment when his class took a field trip to the jail. I like this guy and I like what happened to him - minus his recent arrest.
His sister almost gets raped. The local news airs Antoine ranting about the incident. Warning his neighbors to hide their kids, the wives and even their husbands because, as he put it: "They raping everyone up in here!" Within hours the local news segment was a youtube sensation and now the guy is getting arrested in his Benz. What I like most is he didn't do anything stupid to gain his fame except be himself and speak his mind. This wasn't one of those videos where someone was trying too hard for the camera. His anger was legit and now, according to Antoine, he has been able to not only move his family out of the projects, but also out of the ghetto. Gotta be the best ending ever to an attempted rape story!
Oh yeah, if you didn't know that the Liberty University Choir arranged their own special version of the Bed Intruder Song this past Christmas then you must see THIS video:
If you had no idea that this video had been auto-tuned into a hit song then watch the next video as well.
Now, that we're all on the same page...
Antoine Dodson, the guy who found accidental fame after his rant on the local news about the attempted rape of his sister was arrested for possession of Marijuana. I'll give you a minute to gather yourself for I'm sure the shock of that bit of news was too much to bear. In his words from his twitter account "they got him in his Benz." He also has never been to jail before except that time in grade school. I'm sure he's referring to a moment when his class took a field trip to the jail. I like this guy and I like what happened to him - minus his recent arrest.
His sister almost gets raped. The local news airs Antoine ranting about the incident. Warning his neighbors to hide their kids, the wives and even their husbands because, as he put it: "They raping everyone up in here!" Within hours the local news segment was a youtube sensation and now the guy is getting arrested in his Benz. What I like most is he didn't do anything stupid to gain his fame except be himself and speak his mind. This wasn't one of those videos where someone was trying too hard for the camera. His anger was legit and now, according to Antoine, he has been able to not only move his family out of the projects, but also out of the ghetto. Gotta be the best ending ever to an attempted rape story!
Oh yeah, if you didn't know that the Liberty University Choir arranged their own special version of the Bed Intruder Song this past Christmas then you must see THIS video:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Christ has Risen - - COME ON DOWN!!
The economic situation we face has been called a recession. Due to it's severity I think recession is an understatement and depression is an exaggeration. I prefer to call it a recessipression - some kind of special bit of hell between the both. Apparently, this recessipression has hit even the Churches. This morning, Churches everywhere offered incentives for attending their services. Yes incentives. Remember when the fear of eternal damnation was enough motivation to fill the pews on the biggest holiday in Christiandom? Not anymore. Now it takes the chance to win one of these ..... new cars!
The prizes ranged from $500, Nintendo Wii's, Xbox Kinects, Flat screen televisions, Fender guitars, skateboards, free gas and 15 cars.
They should just put an Altar on the Price is Right stage. I can see it now. Marsha Blake, come on down, you're the next contestant on the Christ is Right! The music would kick in, a modern remix of the Price is Right tune mashed with Hymn 57 from your Hymn Book thing on the back of the pew in front of you. Marsha snakes her way through the 15 people that sit between her and her chance at a sea doo and eternal salvation. People that don't even know her high five as she runs down the aisle. Marsha uncomfortably tugs her t-shirt down over her muffin top so we can read her iron-on-letters that say Michigan loves Jesus! She makes it to her place in salvation row and gets an opportunity to bid on a pair of his and her's tennis rackets only to bid out-bid by one dollar and since this was the last chance at contestants row Marsha's soul is damned forever and the asshole that bid $481 ends up winning a place in heaven, a Winnebago, a 7 room tent and new carpeting.
I'm getting tired of saying or thinking the following words but really, what has our world come to? I am amazed, on a daily basis, by the state of our society. Isn't the practice of giving away prizes for going to church just the same as the money changers in the temple? What would Jesus do? I would love to think he'd flip out and turn over the contestant row podiums, and spin the big wheel so fast that it rolls off of it's hinges and takes out the Plinko Board.
Happy Easter
The prizes ranged from $500, Nintendo Wii's, Xbox Kinects, Flat screen televisions, Fender guitars, skateboards, free gas and 15 cars.
They should just put an Altar on the Price is Right stage. I can see it now. Marsha Blake, come on down, you're the next contestant on the Christ is Right! The music would kick in, a modern remix of the Price is Right tune mashed with Hymn 57 from your Hymn Book thing on the back of the pew in front of you. Marsha snakes her way through the 15 people that sit between her and her chance at a sea doo and eternal salvation. People that don't even know her high five as she runs down the aisle. Marsha uncomfortably tugs her t-shirt down over her muffin top so we can read her iron-on-letters that say Michigan loves Jesus! She makes it to her place in salvation row and gets an opportunity to bid on a pair of his and her's tennis rackets only to bid out-bid by one dollar and since this was the last chance at contestants row Marsha's soul is damned forever and the asshole that bid $481 ends up winning a place in heaven, a Winnebago, a 7 room tent and new carpeting.
I'm getting tired of saying or thinking the following words but really, what has our world come to? I am amazed, on a daily basis, by the state of our society. Isn't the practice of giving away prizes for going to church just the same as the money changers in the temple? What would Jesus do? I would love to think he'd flip out and turn over the contestant row podiums, and spin the big wheel so fast that it rolls off of it's hinges and takes out the Plinko Board.
Happy Easter
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