Sunday, December 28, 2008

Creating Holiday Legends

Earlier this month when we were decorating the house for Christmas we heard a Christmas song called "Angie the Christmas Tree Angel." The Andrews Sisters singing about the Angel that sits atop your tree and basically cares for the tree and helps decorate your home so it's perfect for Saint Nick. She also arranges the gifts perfectly after he apparently leaves all of your shit in a pile on the floor. This must be how Santa visits all of those houses in one night. He outsourced "neatly arranging the Christmas Gifts" to yet another job illegal Angel from heaven. I imagined the board meeting for Sears & Roebuck or some other vintage department store giant, shortly after Rudolph was created my Montgomery Wards to drive Christmas sales.

"Sales were down 2% last season and we need a Rudolph. Bert here has this idea about a Christmas Tree angel names Angie. If we roll it out with the Andrews Sisters we should be able to get a TV special and kids everywhere will be singing about Angie the Christmas Tree Angel for years to come."

Yeah, not so much...

Then there's "Suzie Snowflake." I was reminded of this gem through the fantastic selection of Christmas music at my job. At first it felt like I had heard it for the first time just like this Angie bullshit but then I remembered the song.
Suzie Snowflake is brilliant actually. The songs reminds us that without this new "Legendary" Christmas character we wouldn't have any snowmen to call Frosty; nor would we be free to go for that sleigh ride. Suzy is the most fundamental character of Christmas.

My favorite failed random vintage Christmas character marketing attempt has to be "Tingle the After Christmas Depression." Admittedly a spoof from MAD TV it is brilliantly crafted. I ws immediately reminded of it when I learned about this Angie chick. I can't find anything about this sketch on the web. It was from an early season and would love if someone could email me a link or a copy.

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